Review by Hei Man Cheung

你的畫作是婆娑樹光。而有光就有影。你每一筆看似毫不費勁,但我知道,你需要花上好大的力氣,才可以控制自己指頭的力道,讓身體、指尖、筆觸變成輕盈,讓光影動起來如繚繞無力的卷雲。我喜歡你的力氣,所能呈現出來的無力。我指的無力,不是指力量的匱乏,反而相反;我所指向的是,你的出神入化,而那款力量如此具滲透的能力。我走臨近去看你每一筆,步遠從更宏觀而見你的每一幅,都令我瞬間置身於一種輕軟柔潤、富有光澤的時空。我想像你筆下捕捉的光景,孰清晨、正午抑或黃昏?我不得而知,反而覺得,一日之間的各個時間,都能被你入畫,都能被觀者想像。作畫之人,與賞畫的人,總有落差,總有差異,而我們作為觀者,能從你畫中想像出自己的風景,也可見你畫的啟迪。你從畫功當中展現的翠綠,不只有翡翠般的油綠,反而是黃色藍色白色紅色,層層疊加。你把一些我未能想像過的色調交雜,從雜訊之中體現澄明。你筆下的光影,亮麗而無礙,同時,它們繾綣、糾纏、如一綹一綹的,拋物線。我喜歡你作畫時打圈,你每筆都在勾勒輕盈的圓圈,它們從你筆下栩栩如生,如此完滿;從而我也佩服你的構思與細膩,因為,我不知你是怎樣能拿捏「從近畫遠」,從眼睛、每筆的落力、與你眼前紙張的近距離,到佈局你整張畫渴望呈現的光與樹影的。你是怎樣「以小見大」的呢?你是如何「從氤氳曖昧捕捉澄徹明淨」的呢?你從白紙中「開窗」,結構縝密,讓我想像一本我很喜歡的書的開首 ——「推開窗,雨滴在窗外的樹枝上霎眼。」惟你的光景當中無雨無霧,只有不明不滅,那剛剛好的陽光。謝謝你流麗。 

Your paintings are dances of light and shadow. Every stroke appears effortless, yet I know the immense effort it takes to control the pressure of your fingertips, transforming your body, fingertips, and brushstrokes into a weightless dance, where light and shadow swirl like gentle, powerless clouds. I admire the strength in your ability to convey powerlessness. When I say powerlessness, I don't mean a lack of strength; on the contrary, I refer to your mesmerising skill, a power that permeates with such intensity. As I approach to witness each stroke up close, stepping back to see the grandeur of your work, I am instantly transported into a soft, radiant, and luminous realm. I wonder about the scenes you capture with your brush—whether they belong to dawn, noon, or dusk? I cannot be clear of it, instead feeling that each moment of the day could be painted by you, imagined by the viewer. There's always a gap between the creator and the observer, but as viewers, we can envision our own landscapes from your art and find inspiration in your creations. The lush greens you display in your art are not just emerald; they are layers of yellow, blue, white, red, intricately intertwined. You blend tones I could never imagine, bringing clarity from chaos. The light and shadows under your brush are bright yet unobtrusive, weaving intricate, serpentine arcs. I admire how you encircle in your every brushstroke, delicately sketching airy circles that come to life under your touch, so complete; thus, I marvel at your conception and delicacy, for I wonder how you master ‘creating the far from the near,’ from the eyes, the force of each stroke, the proximity to your paper, to arranging the light and tree shadows you desire to convey across the entire canvas. How do you see the big picture from such small details? How do you capture clarity from the misty and ambiguous? You ‘open the windows’ from blank pages, meticulously constructing, evoking the beginning of a book I adore — ‘Pushing open the window, raindrops on the branches outside for a fleeting moment.’ Yet in your scenes, there's no rain, no mist, only the incomprehensible and enduring, just the perfect sunlight. Thank you for your beaming beauty.